Home Training A New Puppy - The Pet Initiative Training

A new puppy brings so much life and enthusiasm into a family, but it's not all fun and games. While spending time connecting with and simply enjoying your new family member is crucial, training must also take precedence. Ideally, you've already seen a lot of puppy training videos and have a decent sense of where to begin. Don't worry if this is your first time looking at puppy training at home; we've got you covered.

Where Should You Begin with Puppy Training at Home?

Before you begin any official instruction, you must first establish your boundaries. Will your puppy be permitted to sit on the furniture? Where will your dog sleep? Are there any areas of your home that must be dog-free?

You must be explicit and consistent while teaching these home rules. Establish the ground rules and then follow them from the start.

Training Your Puppy to Come When Called Recall is something that many owners struggle with, but it is very necessary. There are several puppy training videos available; just remember to keep things simple and cheerful.

Begin by "capturing" the moment as much as possible. Say the word "come" every time your dog approaches you. Praise them and give them a reward as soon as they reach you. They won't be able to separate the word from the deed for long.

While puppy training at home, keep in mind that you should never call your dog over for anything bad. If you're ready to yell at your dog or make them do something they don't want to do, don't use your recall cue word. Until your puppy has mastered recall, they should always have something pleasant to look forward to when they obey your instruction.

Crate Instruction Your New Puppy Housebreaking is definitely on your mind right now, and we'll get to that shortly. Crate training, on the other hand, is essential. It makes housebreaking so much simpler, and it also offers you a safe place to keep your dog if you ever need them out of the way. Furthermore, if your puppy ever needs to spend overnight at the vet, they will most likely be confined in a crate, therefore it is critical that they feel at ease in one.

Crate training, like teaching memory, should be positive and enjoyable. Give your dog its meals in the crate, and sprinkle a few goodies in there during the day. Praise your pooch for going into their box on their own. They’ll soon come to perceive it as a safe and pleasant den.

Housebreaking a Puppy

We’ve previously described the housebreaking process in prior blog articles, so we’ll keep this quick. Housebreaking doesn’t need to be complex. Do it well (by following the principles in our free workshop) and it should just take a few days. Sure, there may still be an accident once in a while, but this will stop as your puppy develops.

Puppy Training near me, it’s crucial to be consistent with housebreaking right from the start. If you need some more advice with this, check out some of our housebreaking puppy training tutorials.

Teaching the Fundamental Commands

Most people start puppy training at home with the typical basic commands - “sit”, “down”, and “stay”. Nevertheless, there are two additions that you need to add to your list - “watch” and “touch”.

You’ll learn more about these in the puppy training videos in our free workshop, but they’re generally crucial when it comes to educating your puppy to focus on you. They’re beneficial in so many various scenarios.

One typical error that new puppy parents make while teaching the basics is going too rapidly. Yeah, your pet may be able to sit before a meal, but don’t expect that they’ll suddenly be trained to sit in the midst of a dog park. Every order needs to be repeated multiple times. Additional distractions should only be introduced very carefully, meaning that you shouldn’t even attempt to ask for a command at a dog park until you’re a good few months into training.

Keep Training Sessions Short

Puppies don’t have a lengthy attention span. For an 8-week old pup, this may just be 30 seconds or so. This implies that you’ll need to keep each session brief during puppy training at home.

The more training that you undertake, the more you’ll be able to build up your puppy’s attention span. That said, always terminate a training session before your puppy starts to lose interest.


While puppy training at home might be stressful, it should also be plenty of fun for both you and your pet. The more your puppy likes training with you, the more responsive they’ll be to learning new tasks. Therefore, arm yourself with some tempting rewards, as well as plenty of praise, and begin training!


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